Fish Aggregation & Spawning Dives
Palau’s fish aggregations a world unique. These amazing early morning dives with the Ocean Hunter dive crew are designed to deliver the most spectacular diving Palau has to offer. Based on the monthly lunar cycles, Ocean Hunter offers a once-in-a-lifetime diving experience. During Full and New Moon, different species of fish gather in huge aggregations to spawn. Numbers can vary from hundreds to thousands depending on the species. These mind-blowing spawning events usually attract Palau's biggest predators as well. This is a MUST DO dive - as the best dive days days are 2-3 days before full and new moon please check the MOON CALENDAR to book the right Ocean Hunter Dive Adventure Week.
Moorish Idol Spawning Dives
Moorish Idols are known to aggregate and spawn through the months of December to late January. These groups which can consist of several hundred can be found rushing through Palau's outer reefs and slopes. The group without warning will rush towards the surface and away from the reef to release their eggs. During this time sharks and other predators will swarm to feed on the Moorish Idols lacking the protection of the reef.
Orange Spine Unicorn Fish Spawning Dives
Moorish Idols are known to aggregate and spawn through the months of December to late January. These groups which can consist of several hundred can be found rushing through Palau's outer reefs and slopes. The group without warning will rush towards the surface and away from the reef to release their eggs. During this time sharks and other predators will swarm to feed on the Moorish Idols lacking the protection of the reef.
Moon Phase
Although Ocean Hunter Palau Spawning Trips are marked in our Booking Calendar you may wish to check the Moon Phase yourself. Click on "Moon Phase" to open a Moon Calendar.
Spawning Trips
Ocean Hunter Palau Spawing Trips are separately marked as "Spawning & Palau's Best" Trips in our Booking Calendar. CLICK HERE TO CHECK FOR AVAILABILITY AND BOOKING.
Humphead Parrotfish Spawning Dives
Twin Spot Red Snapper Spawning Dives
Just before the full moon lunar cycle the Twin Spot Red Snappers aggregate in the early mornings leading to the full moon. Thousands of snappers will migrate from surrounding areas and aggregate over the reef. When the tide begins to shift they rush up towards the surface releasing sperm and eggs in an explosive display. On many occasions large pelagic predators such as bullsharks, silvertips, and oceanic blacktips have be seen feasting and attacking the schools of snappers.
Sailfin Snapper Spawning Dives
Sailfin Snapper are generally known to be deepwater dwellers but a few times a year these fish aggregate and spawn in shallower depths. During the months of March/April/June the massive aggregation and spawning happens in Peleliu where tens of thousands create a visual phenomenon. Please note that this dive depends on moon phase and tides which is why it needs to be planned in advance